# A month in DWM - Moving forward with my setup For about a year and half I've been using [i3wm](https://i3wm.org/) as my daily driver under Debian and Gentoo(for my short time with it) and I'lve loved it thus far. As with many things however, it started to get old and I wanted something new without having to distro-hop. [DWM](https://dwm.suckless.org/) interested me as its memory usage footprint is tiny compared to i3wm and follows the [suckless philosophy](https://suckless.org/philosophy/) which I still found interesting. ## Is it /comfy/? Absolutely. But I'll let this little clip speak for itself:
Once you get past a couple of hurdles with it things becomes really nice and to be honest have spoiled me to the point of just basic tasks in other setups has become painful. _If you're a vim user then you'll know the feeling._ ## Hurdles First off configuring anything blows. Recompiling things is just dumb and means you have to: 1. Close everything because you will have to exit dwm + X11 2. Exit DWM + X11 3. Make changes & recompile 4. Test changes 5. Often tweak changes and go back to step 2 Patching is obnoxious on the premiss that I don't want to shut literally everything down just to rice. Which means I messing with things becomes boring leaving me to go do something else.