image: shockrah/website:latest stages: - build - deploy include: - local: 'ci/builders.yml' ################## ################## ################## # ============== # Build Stage Jobs # ============== # ################## ################## ################## build-neocities: stage: build extends: .builder script: - hugo --config configs/neocities.toml build-pages: stage: build extends: .builder script: # Build the base config first - hugo --config configs/pages.toml # Next we fix the path to the font - sed -i 's/\/media/\/shockrah-city\/media/g' public/css/style.css stage: build extends: .builder script: # Main config is found in the root of this project dir - hugo # Make sure to expire these artifacts as they are only needed per deployment artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - public/ ################## ################## ################## # ============== # Deploy Stage Jobs # ============== # ################## ################## ################## # Deploys the gitlab Page pages: stage: deploy needs: - build-pages dependencies: - build-pages script: - echo Dummy echo for pages job artifacts: paths: - public/ # Deploys to the main blog stage: deploy image: shockrah/ansible:latest needs: - dependencies: - before_script: - eval "$(ssh-agent -s)" - echo "${CI_USER_KEY}" | tr -d '\r' | ssh-add - - mkdir -p ~/.ssh/ - chmod 700 ~/.ssh/ - ssh-keyscan 2>&1 >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts - chmod 644 ~/.ssh/known_hosts script: - pwd && ls -Ra - ansible-playbook -i $INVENTORY scripts/deploy-blog.yml # Deploy to neocities via their curl api deploy-neocities: stage: deploy needs: - build-neocities when: manual dependencies: - build-neocities script: - bash scripts/