2019-08-20 03:12:13 +00:00
baseURL = "https://shockrah.gitlab.io/resume"
2019-08-20 02:35:15 +00:00
languageCode = "en-us"
theme = "sada"
[ params ]
title = "Alejandro Santillana"
author = "Alejandro Santillana"
description = "Writer of wares"
copyright = ""
copyright_link = ""
# Profile section
[ params . profile ]
name = "Alejandro Santillana"
2019-08-20 03:06:43 +00:00
photo = "profile.png"
2019-08-20 02:35:15 +00:00
# Section for links to social websites
[ params . social ]
title = "Links"
[ [ params . social . list ] ]
class = "fab"
icon = "fa-linkedin-in"
url = "https://www.linkedin.com/in/alejandro-santillana-38458b121/"
title = "LinkedIn"
[ [ params . social . list ] ]
class = "fab"
icon = "fa-gitlab"
url = "https://gitlab.com/shockrah"
title = "GitHub"
# Education section
[ params . education ]
title = "Education"
[ [ params . education . list ] ]
degree = "(In Progress) Bachelors of Computer Science"
college = "California State University of Monterey Bay"
dates = "2018 - 2019(December)"
[ [ params . education . list ] ]
college = "Irvine Valley College"
dates = "2016 - 2018"
[ [ params . education . list ] ]
degree = "High School Diploma"
college = "Aliso Niguel High School"
dates = "2011 - 2015"
# Languages section
[ params . language ]
title = "Languages"
[ [ params . language . list ] ]
language = "C"
[ [ params . language . list ] ]
language = "Python"
[ [ params . language . list ] ]
language = "x64 Assembly"
# Interests section
[ params . hobbies ]
title = "Hobbies"
[ [ params . hobbies . list ] ]
interest = "Surfing"
[ [ params . hobbies . list ] ]
interest = "Hacking"
[ [ params . hobbies . list ] ]
interest = "Cooking"
[ params . aboutme ]
description = "Libre software, hacking, and surfing."
[ params . experiences ]
icon = "fa-briefcase"
title = "Experiences"
[ [ params . jobs . list ] ]
position = "Repair Technician"
dates = "February 2019 - April 2019"
company = "Loaves, Fishes, & Computers Inc."
2019-09-11 07:14:44 +00:00
details = "Diagnosed and repaired issues with Windows laptops and desktops. Technical write-ups of work was required for all repairs as well."
2019-08-20 02:35:15 +00:00
[ [ params . jobs . list ] ]
position = "Kitchen Staff"
dates = "July 2016 - August 2016"
company = "Edible Arrangements"
details = "Prepared fruit by washing, cutting, and decorating with various toppings.Other responsibilities also included: cleaning kitchen workstations, taking the trash out, washing essential kitchen equipment, maintaining the refrigerator clean as well."
# Projects section
[ params . projects ]
icon = "fa-project-diagram"
title = "Projects"
[ [ params . projects . list ] ]
title = "Personal Blog"
url = "https://gitlab.com/shockrahwow/shockrah-city"
description = "Personal blog built automatically built through shell scripts and markdown."
[ [ params . projects . list ] ]
title = "DWM Shell Scripts"
url = "https://gitlab.com/shockrah/shell-scripts"
description = "Collection of shell scripts for those running DWM"
2019-08-20 02:50:20 +00:00
[ [ params . projects . list ] ]
title = "Static ELF Parser/Dissassembler"
url = "https://gitlab.com/shockrah/hexd"
description = "Reads Linux ELF binaries to learn about what a mysterious binary might do without running it first."
2019-08-20 02:35:15 +00:00
# Skills section
[ params . skills ]
icon = "fa-cogs"
title = "Skills"
[ [ params . skills . list ] ]
skill = "Bash/Shell Scripting, Python Scripting"
skillrating = 95 # out of 100
[ [ params . skills . list ] ]
skill = "Git Source Control, Web Deployment, CI/CD"
skillrating = 80
[ [ params . skills . list ] ]
skill = "C, Rust, Linux"
skillrating = 90