details="Prepared students for exams and helped with assignments through consistent office hour scheduling and by providing ample feedback on assignments. Course material covered MIPS assembly , sequential and combinatorial logic, and an introduction to CPU design. Left because I was graduating that very semester that I worked."
details="Diagnosed and repaired issues with Windows laptops and desktops. All repairs required technical write-ups describing the process used in troubleshooting. I assisted customers whenever they had questions regarding repairs or troubleshooting other problems. Left because my semester ended and I had to move back to Orange County."
details="Created a data visualization tool set with specially designed visualization algorithms to better represent supercomputer resource usage. Worked with data from the U.S Naval Research Laboratory's compute clusters."
details="Prepared fruit by washing, cutting, and decorating with various toppings.Other responsibilities also included: cleaning kitchen workstations, taking the trash out, washing essential kitchen equipment, maintaining the refrigerator clean as well."
description="Web based chat server built with Rust. Endpoints are served on a restful API, which often hooks into an SQL database. Testing is also handled using Cargo's built in testing configuration features."
description="Personal blog built automatically built through shell scripts and markdown. All content can be built via a static site generator written in pure Bash script."
description="Linux based shell scripts which are used to improve a user's experience with tiling window managers like DWM or i3WM."
title="OBS Stream Song Extension"
description="Chrome extension written to pull in the name of a song currentl playing on Youtube or Soundcloud to a local server written in Rust. Both are deployed to Gitlab for easy download via a continuous depolyment pipeline using docker."