
22 lines
797 B
Executable File

# for some reason this still kills all xwinwrap processes
kill -9 `pgrep xwinwrap | head -1`
# pick out the music video we want to play in the background
pape_name=`ls "${HOME}/Videos/Papes/" | dmenu -i -l 10 -p 'Pick a papes :^)'`
mpv="mpv -wid WID --no-config --keepaspect=no --loop \
--no-border --vd-lavc-fast --x11-bypass-compositor=no \
--gapless-audio=yes --vo=x11 --hwdec=auto --input-ipc-server=/tmp/mpv-bg-socket \
# The magic here happens with xwinwrap the flags given to mpv don't really matter
# unless you have an mpv config the flags below are pretty much the only flags you
# need to get this working
xwinwrap -g 1920x1080+0 -ov -b -un -sh rectangle -fdt -ni -- \
$mpv "$HOME/Videos/Papes/$pape_name" &
# welcome to the rice fields