image: shockrah/website:latest stages: - build - deploy ############## ################## ############## ############## Build Site Content ############## ############## ################## ############## build-content: stage: build image: shockrah/website:latest only: refs: - master script: - cd main-site/ && hugo artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - main-site/public/ ############## ################## ############## ############## Deploy Site ############## ############## ################## ############## deploy-to-s3: stage: deploy # Override entrypoint to avoid weird auto start shenanigans image: name: amazon/aws-cli:2.2.25 entrypoint: [""] needs: - build-content before_script: - bash ci/ script: # Check to make sure the website bucket is present - aws s3 bucket-exists project-temper-tv | grep # Next we can upload the content to the bucket itself - cd main-site/ && aws s3 cp public s3:// --recursive