- Removing mysql client since we don't need it for what we're doing
- Removing diesel since it's been replaced with a simpler shell script(that's totally not flaky)
! Try at some point to reduce all this crap outside of testing because dep list is getting larger every day
! It's also super jank at the moment so it's not exactly what I would call "stable"
Like seriously right now the entrypoint script basically just yeets mysql to the
background and snuffs out its logs for the sake of brevity
More work needs to be done in order to make sure that the sample user can be
safely added to the mysql backend. None of this is being done a safe fashion and
frankyl thats ok.
Security NOTE: No effort is put forth to make this Docker image secure since it
is meant to have bogus data, bogus users, and mock everything so again never use this
for production.