details="Fulfill basic warehouse and stock order duties. Responsibilities include offloading merchandise trucks, locating stock, and packing items for shipment."
details="Prepared students for exams and helped with assignments through consistent office hour scheduling and by providing ample feedback on assignments. Course material covered MIPS assembly , sequential and combinatorial logic, and an introduction to CPU design. Left because I was graduating that very semester that I worked."
details="Diagnosed and repaired issues with Windows laptops and desktops. All repairs required technical write-ups describing the process used in troubleshooting. I assisted customers whenever they had questions regarding repairs or troubleshooting other problems. Left because my semester ended and I had to move back to Orange County."
details="Created a data visualization tool set with specially designed visualization algorithms to better represent supercomputer resource usage. Worked with data from the U.S Naval Research Laboratory's compute clusters."
details="Prepared fruit by washing, cutting, and decorating with various toppings.Other responsibilities also included: cleaning kitchen workstations, taking the trash out, washing essential kitchen equipment, maintaining the refrigerator clean as well."
title="Freechat - A FOSS Decentralized Chat Platform"
description="A free and open source chat platform that respects user freedoms, inpsired by image boards, as an alternative to Discord/Slack. Weekly builds are available on the official Gitlab repository. Built with Rust, Python, MySQL, and Docker."
description="Generative art samples that I build for fun. Similar in spirit to my Graphics Engine project however, these mini projects are typically simpler and of course run in any modern browser. Examples of what these look like can be found in the screen-caps folder."
description="Built with a simple enough API this engine allows me to ignore the more technical details of graphics work in order to focus more on the algorithmic side of a problem rather than the technical one. Graphics engine built with SDL2 in C++."
description="More than a simple chat bot this bot can, and does, manage multiple game servers making it easy for my own community to organize community game events. It's developement is entirely driven by what the community wants and as such is deployed with downtime-to-a-minimum in mind. Deployments are intelligently made during \"quiet\" times with easy rollbacks, quick deployment times, and good logging as priorities. Built with with NodeJS and Rust with a microservice-architecture."
description="Wifi scanning via an ESP-8266 and Arduino. At the time it was built to collect statistics on unique MAC addresses found in a given area. Built using reverse engineered Xtensa library features in C."
description="x86 based operating system written from scratch using C, x86 assembly, and built with GNU Make. A working copy is provided via Gitlab's Continuous Integration/Deployment pipeline with a custom Docker image."
description="Personal blog built automatically built through shell scripts and markdown. Content is generated through Pandoc however [my own HTML compiler]( can optionally be used as it is feature complete for markdown support."
description="I've built this resume page on my own domain to not rely on services that are out of my control. Depolyment is quick and painless with the continuous deployment pipelines hosted on Gitlab. Built with HTML, Javascript, Markdown, and special [custom Docker image]( all of my websi and mirrored it on Gitlabtes use."